Welcome Catlovers to Ghostcat Interactive!!

We love cats! We also love boardgames! So we´re making a boardgame with cats. Yes a boardgame with cats! Best of two worlds combined. The game is called Cattack:Cataclysm and is currently in development. We have no releasedate at this point but stay tuned for more information.

The game is a family/party game for 3 to 8 players. The game is based around cats in little carboard tanks (you seen the images and meems, right?) and they can shoot balls of yarn at the other players tanks. But don´t worry, no cats are ever harmed in this game. The game involves a mix of both planning/strategy and kaos, meaning that you sometimes know what´s gonna happen and other times you don´t.
More information will soon be under Cattack in the menu above.

If you want to keep up with our work check in on social media. Links to our Instagram and Facebook is at the bottom of the page. You can also fill out the contact form and sign upp for the mailinglist. Then you will be notified directly when we have big news.

Stay Awsome! We Love You! 😸

Our Mission

At Ghostcat Interactive, our mission is to develop games that bring joy and entertainment to families worldwide. We strive to strike the perfect balance between simplicity and complexity, ensuring our games are accessible yet engaging for everyone. Join us on this exciting journey!

About Ghostcat Interactive

At Ghostcat Interactive, we are passionate about creating games that bring families together. Our mission is to provide enjoyable and engaging experiences that can be shared by everyone. Get ready to embark on thrilling journeys with our upcoming board game, Cattack: Cataclysm.